Today we’re launching the first draft of the ResponsibleTech.Work framework, which is still very much a work in progress. By publishing the website early, we hope to start the conversation, get your feedback, and form a core team of contributors. Here’s what’s still missing, what the launch plans are, and how you can get involved if you’d like to help the project evolve.

About ResponsibleTech.Work

The purpose of this project is to get tech workers curious about different ways we can make our work more responsible, collaborate on suggestions on how to improve the most commonly used methodologies and tools, and provide links to resources where we can all learn more about key topics related to responsible product development.

In short, the ResponsibleTech.Work website would like to help anyone interested in making their work more responsible find concrete tools and resources.

The project isn’t owned by any single individual or organization. We envision it as a collaborative effort to inspire and support responsible action in the tech industry. It’s an attempt to create small ripples that will hopefully end up challenging business as usual. You can read more about the core principles on the framework’s about page.

What’s available and what’s missing

The initial draft website we’re publishing today introduces the core ideas of the framework. Before a wider release, we’d like to:

  • complete the first version of the Methodologies section by adding Product innovation and Product development methodologies,
  • add Tools from the fields of software development (e.g., responsible user stories) and user experience design that are still under development,
  • implement a few design and code tweaks and optimizations,
  • expand the core team.

But the key thing that’s still missing is your feedback and more diverse perspectives, so please send your feedback and ideas at info@ResponsibleTech.Work and get in touch if you’d like to join the core team.

Even though some parts are still incomplete, you can share the link with people who might find it interesting and would like to follow the development of this project. We hope to have a more complete first version ready in September/October of this year.

Currently, the website is in English only, the working language of the tech industry. With time and sufficient interest, we hope to add support for other languages to make the content more accessible to a broader audience.

Who are we?

It started with a single tech worker, frustrated by the way things are done in the industry. By sharing the initial idea with others, she realized she isn’t alone in wanting to do something beyond criticizing EvilCorps. Our goal is to change the tech industry little by little, day by day.

These days, it’s rare for a week to go by without news about a known tech company misusing people’s data, abusive work conditions, or worse. And while there’s increasing awareness that we must do better and a lot of wonderful organizations fighting the good fight, we believe there’s still too little information on how you (yes, you!) can do better every single day you show up for work.

This is where we hope ResponsibleTech.Work comes in. We’ll hope you’ll join us by sharing and implementing ResponsibleTech.Work at your workplace or by contributing and joining the team.